For more than 20 years, we’ve been tasting, sipping, and drinking the Japanese national beverage called Nihonshu here and Saké in the West.
It’s as deep as wine can be but definitely not as renown as the latter one.
In western countries, restaurants often serve them hot, and they are mostly very bad ones (comparable with wine tables).
Our team based in Japan want to become your dedicated Japanese sakés provider. Thus, we would like to share with you the best and rarest sakés that are even very hard to find in Japan. Our selected sakés come directly from very small breweries in Japan and we’ve selected for you the rarest ones!
The Nihonshu team hopes to share with you all our dedicated passion!
The Nihonshu has selected for you the rarest and best sakés produced in small quantities from Japanese brewers.
Currently, we mainly ship to Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
You can reach us anytime by email at